The sooner you call 716-338-0033 the more we can do to help you reach your goals and make your journey easier. If you’d rather we contact you, fill out our contact form, and we’ll be in touch soon!
Starting honest conversations with your family, loved ones and healthcare providers is an important first step to make sure you get the care you want or don’t want. If you need help, call us at 716-338-0033.
Who will decide what healthcare you will receive if you are unable to speak for yourself? Does he/she live close enough to you that they can be present in an emergency? Is your daughter in California or your tennis partner a better healthcare proxy? This person is called your healthcare proxy. Honest conversations will help assure your healthcare proxy knows your preferences.
New York State health care proxy form
New York State Spanish health care proxy form
What outcomes do you fear the most if you are confronted by a serious illness? What if you cannot bathe yourself? What if your nutrition has to be administered through a feeding tube? Do you want to spend your final days at home? The document that describes what is acceptable and what is unacceptable to you is called a Living Will. Honest conversations with your loved ones will make the difficult decisions easier when the time comes.
New York State living will form
New York State Spanish living will form
Here are just a few resources to help you document and share your wishes:
The sooner you call 716-338-0033 the more we can do to help you reach your goals and make your journey easier. If you’d rather we contact you, fill out our contact form, and we’ll be in touch soon!