One Year of Compassion:The First Patient at The Star Hospice House
The following story appeared in our Summer 23 Newsletter. You can read the newsletter by clicking HERE. As we celebrate the first anniversary of The Star Hospice House, CHPC had a conversation with Jessica Dayton, the granddaughter of TSHH’s first patient, Nancy Neal. Nancy, a lively and self-reliant 92-year-old, had spent her entire life in […]
Fingerprint Pendants
The following article is from our Summer 2021 newsletter, Chautauqua Hospice & Palliative Care Companion. The newsletter will be mailed this week, and posted on the website in the very near future. MUSIC THERAPY PROGRAM OFFERS PROJECT One of CHPC’s newest team members, Music Therapist Gretchen Golibersuch, has brought more than music to her role. […]