I-A Charity Golf Association Supports Star Hospice House

Chautauqua Hospice & Palliative Care (CHPC) is pleased to announce the Italian-American Charity Golf Association has contributed a third installment of $28,000 towards their $100,000 pledge to The Star Hospice House. Opened in July 2022, the Star Hospice House is a compassionate extension of CHPC’s Services. It provides comfort and dignity in a home-like setting for those facing life’s […]

Leadership Cohort

Our VP of Community Engagement, Zach Agett, recently graduated from a new coaching cohort focused on leadership and collaboration! It was a great experience and big thanks to Beth Oakes, Ally Co, and The Capacity Lab for making it happen! Here is the article from Sara Holthouse that ran in The Post-Journal about the cohort: […]

Bilingual Series – Laura McCollough

Our bilingual series on Dunkirk Public Access continues with The Star Hospice House Residence Director, Laura McCollough, RN. Check out the rest of the series by clicking HERE.

Shauna Anderson Retiring as President/CEO of Chautauqua Hospice & Palliative Care

It is with a mix of sincere gratitude and sadness that Chautauqua Hospice & Palliative Care (CHPC) announces the retirement of Shauna Anderson, RN, our President/CEO. Anderson’s service at CHPC began in 2003 as a Registered Nurse Case Manager and evolved over the years, including spending the last six as President/CEO. A few of the […]

Honoring Bert & Mary Rappole

LAKEWOOD — A surprise celebration honoring the leadership of Bert and Mary Rappole was held July 19 at the soon-to-be-completed Star Hospice House in Lakewood. Family, board and campaign volunteers gathered to reveal the naming of a residence bedroom in their honor. The Rappoles successfully led the campaign through the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the […]

Being prepared for a ‘difficult journey’

Girl helping older man with computer

The following “Letter to the Editor” is from CHPC President & CEO, Shauna Anderson, and was submitted to The Post-Journal and the Observer. I’d like to share with you my personal experience with my parents care and the importance of sharing instructions for their end-of-life care. I took care of my parents to varying degrees […]

A Message From Our Leadership

Holding hands

Our Campaign Chairs When we received the call asking us to co-chair a capital campaign to open a hospice house, we both knew right away why this is needed and quickly agreed to lead the charge. We are really quite inexperienced at fundraising at this level, but what we both knew is the comprehensive and […]